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Membership Details

Please select the membership
Proof of Membership*
Drag & Drop file here or Choose File Choose File
Supported file formats: PDF, JPG, PNG. Maximum size: 5MB
Please attach a copy of membership proof
Please select a program name to proceed
{{ currentTabIndex }}/{{ totalTabs }}

Terms & Conditions

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and consent to the collection and use of my personal information by Hyundai Motor Company Australia Pty Ltd as described in its Cashback Privacy Collection Notice | Hyundai Australia*.
Please read and accept the privacy policy to proceed.
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Basic Information

Please provide your First Name
Please provide your Last Name
The format of your email is incorrect please check and try again
Please enter in 10 digit format starting with 04 Please enter mobile number
Please enter your postal address
Please enter your suburb or town
Please enter State
Please enter your postal code
Please provide driver's licence number
Driver's License*
Drag & Drop file here or Choose File Choose File
Supported file formats: PDF, JPG, PNG. Maximum size: 5MB
Please attach a copy of Driver's License
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Vehicle Sale Details

Please provide VIN details
VIN Is not validated
VIN is not validated
VIN is not validated
Please provide date of purchase Please provide valid date of purchase
Redemption amount cannot be found. Please contact Hyundai Customer Care Centre - Toll-free from landlines on 1800 186 306. VIN is not validated
Vehicle Sales Contract*
Drag & Drop file here or Choose File Choose File
Supported file formats: PDF, JPG, PNG. Maximum size: 5MB
Please attach a copy of Vehicle Sales Contract
Vehicle Registration*
Drag & Drop file here or Choose File Choose File
Supported file formats: PDF, JPG, PNG. Maximum size: 5MB
Please attach a copy of Vehicle Registration
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Transfer Details

Please provide Bank Name
Please provide Account Name
{{accountNumberMaxlength - accountNumber.length}} characters left
Please provide Account Number
Please provide BSB
Bank statement or bank deposit slip*
Drag & Drop file here or Choose File Choose File
Supported file formats: PDF, JPG, PNG. Maximum size: 5MB
Please attach a copy of Bank Statement or bank deposit slip
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{{dateOfPurchase | date: 'dd-MM-yyyy'}}

Email does not exists